Trade CFDs on Futures from around the world and discover unlimited trading opportunities

CFDs are relatively new financial derivatives that have become increasingly appreciated among investors, especially in the Forex market. CFD trading is a popular form of financial investment that is based on the price difference (opening/closing) of an asset. The Contract For Difference is a tradable agreement between a broker and a client, both exchanging the asset price difference. One of that method’s features lies in the act of predicting future price movements, without having to own the specific underlying asset.

It is an ideal market for leverage and margin trading due to its high liquidity, as you can enter and exit the market quite easily with small slippage. Leverage can be offered on many different markets, but leverage, as applied to the Forex market, is generally much higher than any other trading instrument. 

Speculating on the outcomes of market dynamics enables traders to both benefits on long-term positions (rising markets) and short-term positions (falling market). By learning to derive the right kind of economic data you can harness the market’s volatility in your favor.

Experience the global markets with a wide range of instruments.
Anywhere, anytime! Forex, Commodities, Stocks,
CFDs on Stock Indices, Energies and Metals.